今までになかった三層剥離モデル 超音波凝固切開装置が使用できるモデルです

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2025年 03月
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剥離縫合三層モデル Tri-layer Model for peeling and suture














It can be done by repeating the peeling training. The reason why it can be repeated is that it utilizes the characteristics of the JPTC resin used.


By using the self-adhesiveness of the material, if you press the peeled layer with your finger, it will return to its original state and you can repeat the peeling training.


You can perform suture training on the peeled layer or the cut part. You can do a second layer suture training between the first- and third-layers or a second- and third-layer suture training, for example.


Another major feature of this model is that it can be incised with an ultrasonically activated device.

For the first time, it has become possible except for animal and plant materials.


The material of the tri-layer model is not the material of animals and plants, so there is no water. It does not smell or rot. In addition, there is no need to be stored in the refrigerator. It has no expiration date. It does not stain the training area, equipment used, or hands.


Ultimately pursuing tissue peeling training, we have completed the tri-layer model that enables suture training.


Since the bottom of the model has self-adhesive properties, you can immediately fix in your dry box. There is no need to use clips or pins.





早川俊輔先生(名古屋市立大学 消化器外科分野 病院助教)より三層モデルについて御感想をいただきました。







It is a great honor for Dr. Shunsuke Hayakawa, Assistant Professor, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery,Nagoya City University to evaluate the product features of the JPTC tri-layer model.


The bottom of the model is sticky and does not require any fixing equipment.



Moreover, intestinal anastomosis training can be repeated by simulating each layer as serosa-muscle-mucosa. It is the best product as a training kit for residents.



製品名 JPTC-S Tri Layer Model

サイズ            90mmx90mm

重 量              62g

三層フィルム厚さ       2mm




剥離・縫合練習用三層モデル 仕様書













商品名 : 剥離縫合三層モデル Tri-layer Model for peeling and suture

商品コード : JPTC Tri Layer Model

価格 : 8,800円(税込)

数量 :    残りあと2個


 送料:一律2,090円(税込み) 但し、九州、北海道は2,750円(税込み)、沖縄、離島は2,970円(税込み)となります。
